Integrating Technology Into High School

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The use of technology throughout society has continuously increased; everyday there are new discoveries and technological advances. This increase of technology in everyday life has led to an increase in the use of technology in education. There has been an exponential growth for all races, genders, and ages based on their usage of technology.

There are many positive effects that can come from allowing the integration of technology into high school education, the most significant is the preparation of students for future careers, or furthering their education. There has been many important and relevant reasonings as the why students should have access to technology at school. First, using technology in schools can help to establish critical thinking. When looking for people to hire, companies look for people who can solve problems both effectively and quickly; "employers don't want to spend time explaining how to complete a task they just assigned in so much detail they could have just done it themselves", (5 Ways Technology Prepares Students for The Future). Technology gives high school students opportunities to use, and access to resources and tools, that can help to build a habit of handling tasks …show more content…

Technology while it may be beneficial overall, can be to blame for issues with student's school work. First, studies have found that families with lower incomes, and less access to technology, statistically have higher grades and test scores. People believe that this is because children are spending more time on devices than they are on doing their work. This may be true, but the students can find other distractions besides just electronic; friends, family, and things happening outdoors. Next, some adults feel as though if technology is used within schools it will become a distraction to the

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