Informative Speech On Colon Cancer

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"I know people are pretty well embarrassed just at the mention of colon cancer. Sticking a tube in you to find out what's wrong is not a nice thing. But I can tell them, a 30- or 40-minute test is worth it. We have to make them feel more comfortable about getting screened." said Eric Davis. Colon cancer is a hereditary gene that can be passed down from one generation to the next. People need to become more aware of this disease to stay healthy. Cancer in general is a horrible disease that people aware effected with everyday. Some ways to understand colon cancer a little bit better is by its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prevention, and how it has to deal with genetics. There are many different causes to colon cancer that people need to be aware of. In the large intestine there are polyps. There are several different types of polyps. There is adenomas, which have a high chance of having …show more content…

This will help the type of treatment to use, because they will know what stage the person is in. The method doctors normally use is the TNM system. T stands for the tumor and how big it is and what it looks like. N stands for the lymph nodes, because they determine the ratio of the spreading of the cancer. M stands for metastasized, which helps them see if the cancer has gone into other organs. They number the letters by how much the one stage has occurred. Colon cancer has four stages, which are from the TNM system. Stage one of the cancer is Tis, N0, M0. The T says that the tumor has not gotten very big and the N and M say zero because those processes have not happened yet. Stage four, which is the farthest stage, is Any T, Any N, M1. The T and N could be any type of those occupancies since they are so far into their processes and M means that that process has occurred. The prognosis for colon cancer is extremely important so the person can get the correct treatment to become healthy

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