Ovarian Cancer : Cancer And Cancer

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Ovarian Cancer is a disease of uncontrollably dividing cancer cells in the ovary. Being one of the most devastating diseases to have, along with a limited number of treatment opportunities, it may feel like there has been a time stamp put on your life. With that said, there are four different types of ovarian cancer: epithelial tumors, germ cell carcinoma tumors, stromal carcinoma tumors, and small cell carcinoma of the ovary. Epithelium cancer is the fourth leading cause of death in women in the United States, killing approximately 140,000 women yearly.
There are four stages to diagnosing ovarian cancer, determined by how far the cancer has spread in the body. Each stage is characterized by an A, B, or C letter, depending on the degree in which the symptoms present themselves. The differences in each stage are as follows; stage 1 is when the cancer is either found in one ovary or both, stage 2 the tumor is found in one or both ovaries and extends to other pelvic structures, stage 3 the cancer has spread beyond the pelvis to the lining of the abdomen or to the lymph nodes and finally in stage 4 the cancer has spread to other organs in the body including the liver or lungs (Ovarian Cancer National Alliance). Cancer is “staged” by taking a sample of the infected tissue surgically and sending it to a lab for examination. Staging is crucial in order for medical professionals to determine which course of treatment would be the most effective for the given patient. If misdiagnosed, an entire area affected by this disease could potentially be missed and left untreated.
Over the years, the fight against ovarian cancer has proven itself to be even more difficult due to the cancer being asymptomatic at its early stages. For this reason,...

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...merican Cancer Society).
The implications of becoming aware that you have been afflicted with this disease may extend far beyond just a physical condition. Learning that you have cancer can significantly affect a person’s mental, and emotional health. This could cause tension in social relationships, finances, or other lifestyle choices. Becoming more anxious or depressed can considerable hinder a person’s ability to make rational decisions when it concerns their well being. For these reasons, it is crucial for one to seek professional help for all aspects of their lives when they become aware of any serious changes. Although ovarian cancer is an especially detrimental disease, it does not necessarily mean one’s quality of life must be affected; and the stigma of receiving mental/physical help should never inhibit a person’s ability to live a happy and healthy life.

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