Informative Essay On Anne Frank

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Imagine being isolated from the rest of the world in plain sight. Hiding from your country so you wouldn’t be captured and sent to concentration camps to die. Well, this is how the majority of Jewish people lived. They lived in fear and in hiding to be captured during World War II. Anne Frank and her family were one of the millions of Jews that were prosecuted and hunt down by the Nazis. These people were normal people just like us but they were considered "dangerous" just because they had a different religion than us. The Frank family were Reform Jews, who observed the traditions of Jewish religion without strictly adhering to all Jewish beliefs and customs (Rol and Verhoeven 10). This family consisted of: Otto Frank (dad), Edith Frank (mom), Margot Frank (Anne's older sister), and Anne …show more content…

She was a dutch diarist who lived from 1929-1945. Anne Frank was a smart, free-spirited girl who went into hiding to escape from the Nazis and kept a diary of what happened during the Holocaust. Anne Frank's life is a representation of the Jewish experience because it shows the feelings, thoughts, and life styles of the many Jews.
Anne Frank was a free-spirited girl who was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June 12, 1929 (Rol and Verhoeven 12). During World War I, she lived with her family in
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Amsterdam. She attended the Sixth Montessori School for education in 1934, lived a normal childhood, and had many friends of diverse religions. In October of 1940, Jews were required to wear a yellow star of David at all times and follow a strict curfew. Her family went into hiding in the Secret Annex on July 6, 1942 after Margot had received a summons to go to a Nazi workcamp on July 5, 1942. The Secret Annex was an empty space behind Otto Frank's company building. Soon, the Frank family were accompanied by the van Pels family and others later. The families spent two years in hiding and never left the Secret Annex in fear of getting caught.

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