Informational Interview Paper

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Heather Zwigart Informational Interview

I conducted an interview about what it is like to be a RN. I find doing Informational interviews very useful to see what someone experance in the field that i might want to go into. I know that there are different nursing fields to explore with my RN degree. I feel that with a informational interview you get to see hear first hand someones experiance in different fields. I interviewed Jamie who is a hemodialysis nurse. She has been working in this field for the past 13 years and loves doing it. I enjoyed learning about Jamie's field and after doing the interview with her find that her field is very intresting but probably not the field that I would enjoy the most. The parts that I find intresting about being a hemodialysis nurse is that she has a lot of responsablity. She has to make sure all the dialysis machine are working properily. She also has to deal with patients at a very crusaul time is someones life. I think i would love to be there for someone to help them deal with this stage of life. I would also love to deal with helping their family through this time too. The other part of her field that I find intresting is that she is there when someone codes. I think it takes a strong person to deal with that. Salury that a hemodialysis nurses make seems great but not one …show more content…

The main one is the amount of hours Jamie works. She was saying that if she is on call she might work a 22 hours then sleep for eight to turn around and do another 12 hours. I know this is not at every place, but I am hoping for a more staidy work hours. In the phase of life I am in now, I am looking for more of overnight work or part time. The other part that is not a deal breaker, but something I do not like is dealing with death all the time. Where I work now I have to deal with it and Im not sure if I want to find a nursing field that does not have ads much

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