Influence Of Rosetta Stone On Greek Culture

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The Ptolemaic Period lasted from 332 B.C.E. to 30 B.C.E., and it was a time when Egypt was ruled by Greco-Romans. Because Egypt was ruled by Greco-Romans, Egyptian art and culture adopted from and was influenced by Greek and Roman culture and artistic styles. Greek influence is a very important part of understanding Egyptian history. Because of this influence, we were able to decipher The Rosetta Stone and learn to understand ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Rosetta Stone is a decree written in three different translations, hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek. Hieroglyphs were for use of priests, Demotic was script used for daily purposes by natives, and Greek was the language of the administration. The exact same decree was written in these three languages, and because we were able to …show more content…

Without this Greek influence, we would likely not be able to understand much of Egyptian culture from hieroglyphs today. Greek and Roman influence was clearly prominent enough to be one of the three main languages used in this culture, and their prominence even showed in Egyptian artwork. In Roman art, tombs of family members were decorated with portraits to honor and remember their dead. Egyptians did not do this for their dead until the first century. Instead, they relied on inscriptions for the identification of the deceased with the names and titles they had held in life. However, once Egyptians adopted these funerary methods, they remained popular for two-hundred years. Egyptian mummy portraits became a part of the mummification process for the dead. Bodies would first have all organs but the heart removed, then be left in salt for roughly over a month. After forty days, the body would be treated with plant resins and perfumed oils. Once this is done, thick layers of resin would be used as an adhesive and be

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