Influence A Person's Identity In American Born Chinese By Gene Luen Wang

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A person shouldn’t let anyone or anything other than themselves change who they are. However, many allow themselves to constantly be changed and molded by the world around them. This world contains many factors that can influence one’s identity. This shows that identity isn’t something that remains the same over time, in reality, it’s always changing. A few things that could influence a person’s identity may be society, family, and life experiences. A person’s identity can be influenced a lot by society if they allow it to. People are always changing due to society because a lot of people care about what others think of them and want to fit in. Some will even try to change themselves completely like the characters in American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang. In the book, both the Monkey King and Jin Wang struggled to realize who they really are due to the pressure of the world around them trying to make them change. The monkey king changed his form and started acting differently in order to try to earn people’s respect. Jin did something similar to try to get people to treat him like …show more content…

Society can play a major role in one’s identity because most people would do anything to be accepted in society, even somewhat change who they are. In addition to that, a person’s family and close relationships play a major role in their identity. You family can influence things like who you want to be and the reasoning behind it. Lastly, a person’s life experiences are constantly forming their identity. These are just some of the things that make up someone’s identity. They only show a small portion of how one’s identity is always changing. Even though one’s identity is always changing they can greatly control how it does. For example, a person can choose how they are going to let certain things impact them. They could either grow from it or they could do the

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