Indian-American Stereotypes

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In the episode “Indians on TV” on Master of None, it tackles the problems that Indian-Americans face regarding their representation on TV. It addresses how some Indian Americans will use stereotypical accents to audition for stereotypical parts, such as cab drivers or IT maintenance in comical representation. In addition, it addresses that having to Indian American men as the main roles on a television show would be considered out of the norm. The character Dev accidently receives a forwarded email from the producers of the television show saying that the two Indian-American males considered for a role would have to “curry [their] favor”. During this scene, Aziz Ansari’s character Dev is having a meal with his friends Denise and Brian Cheng. …show more content…

Black people did not ask to be oppressed in American society. However, because black people are bringing attention to the issue that the black community face, it is not to undermine the issues that other people of color face in America in the white normative society that we live in. In addition, him comparing the struggles of both black people and Asian American is problematic since African Americans and Asian Americans have gone through completely different struggles since their arrival on American soil. It is problematic to say that because black people’s racial tensions are seen through mainstream media, that is the reason why other people of color have a difficult time getting their issues seen by the mainstream public. Black people are not purposefully trying to “steal” the attention of racial problems form other people of color; the black community is trying to have positive change in their communities. He then goes on to say “if Paula Deen had said, ‘I don’t want to serve Indian people,’ no one would really

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