Importance Of Stay At Home Mother

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My LIfe would have been completely different if I did not decide to leave bozeman, and challenge myself. If you asked me when I was a sophomore in highschool what I wanted to be I would have told you that I wanted to be a stay at home mom. And I would have said that because that is what I have known. My mother from a young age always pushed me towards being a mother. And always told me that being a stay at home mom is a good contribution to the world. Because you are raising good kids. That will grow up to be great adults. Being a stay at home mother is an amazing thing. But that's not all I want to be at this point in my life. I do not want to limit myself to only be one thing. Well rounded intelligent people strengthen themselves by education. And I want to be strong.
My Parents and My brothers did not want me to go away for college. They did not want me to leave home. We are a close family and when people are gone everyone feels it. When I left home I was sad to leave my family but I was also happy to leave my family. I know that I need to grow and change if I …show more content…

On the other we have Student loans of a hundred thousand dollars plus and getting made poorly as a teacher. But on the bright side, I would be doing something that would be changing the world. One child at a time. As a massage therapist I could travel when I took time off work. And as a teacher I will have summers off and long christmas and thanksgiving breaks. My life in Bozeman would be very comfortable surrounded by family and friends that have known me my whole life. I would in a lot of ways not need to push myself. And so I would be coasting a bit more then if I am challenging myself at college and making myself change for the better. I love Bozeman and I don’t think I would have ever left. But as a teacher I have no idea where I will end up. But I am excited to see where God leads

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