Importance Of Reparation

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A highly debated topic in today’s political conversation is reparations. Many would argue that African Americans deserve reparations because their ancestors were kidnapped from their homes and were forced to work for years, in most cases until death. Others may claim that reparations have already been paid, even though they were not monetary. Lastly, there is the group that believes that reparations for slavery are not a good idea for anyone. In today’s society, is it a good idea to give African Americans reparations and make the line of racial division more apparent? The questions that arise with this topic include: who would receive these reparations, who would pay, how much would recipients get, and how does this solve anything? …show more content…

Now, that African Americans have had a small taste of freedom, they want more. Yet, they have stopped trying to earn it. Some of them feel as though this is enough freedom while others crave more power. Instead of inciting the rest of the people, they scoot along in life, dragging their feet, and expecting someone else to speak up first. Reparations are one of their ways to avoid putting in more effort. People like Oprah, Tyler Perry, and even Johnny C. Taylor Jr. have put in the extra effort. They are trying to incite and excite African Americans, so that African Americans can make a change. However, black folk are sitting on the side lines, waiting for opportunities to be handed to them. Many African Americans have yet to realize that opportunities are made, not given. They must be earned. For the current generations reparations have not been earned. I feel as though the main reason black people want reparations is because of greed. Why do they feel entitled to take money that they themselves have not worked for? There are some people, like Ms. Davis, who believe that money should be earned, not simply be handed a gift, especially out of pity. And that 's what reparations are, pity

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