Importance Of Prioritizing The Roles Of A Ministry

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Neumeier, M. (2014) stated, "Effective leaders must have the courage to be honest, responsible, respectful and compassionate." Identify the criteria Assistant coach – loyalty, communicator and understanding Teacher – accountability, counselor, resourceful Minister – sociable, communicator, and trustworthy Prioritize/Rationale.
The reason I prioritize ministers first is that some but not all ministers have proven themselves by assisting the community, and society has looked upon the ministers for leadership and support. Ministers are trustworthy, sociable, and great communicators. People trust ministers to advocate for their rights. Ministers provide personal and professional counseling and console you when you are grieving from hurt. Followers …show more content…

When the decisions of an organization cannot be made on a one-stage platform, then the revenue creation projects might not even materialize. Having a good prioritization process helps the business to be more efficient in delivering quality services to its customers. There are some challenges that organizations face when it comes to prioritization of their projects, including the inability to appreciate the importance of prioritization. For instance, the manager of a team can fail to educate the employees on the need to prioritize their work duties and the needs of the customers. Additionally, failure to know the importance of other factors and how well they contribute to the objectives of the company may also cause a problem (Lehtola et al. …show more content…

Each leadership role has a different viewpoint or style on how to reach their followers. Communication is the key and when you sit back and look you will see all three leadership styles does a lot of communication. The minister provides guidance through the spiritual world, whereas the assistant coach provides the team with their win-loss record to get them motivated to win or give them the speech about the team spirit working or playing together. Now the teacher shares her knowledge to her co-workers and students. The teacher gives what is in the best interest of the students, which will help her colleagues obtain the greater goods from the pupils. The similarities with the minister, assistant coach, and teacher they are providing their specialty to assistant their followers. The difference is how they get their members to follow

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