Importance Of Outdoor Classroom

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Students in grade school attend school for about 7-8 hours a day where they sit in the same four wall classrooms and develop their intelligence on the same subject. Over time the work ethic of the students begin to decrease. This is where an Outdoor classroom needs to be developed, to enhance the work ethic of the students and, for school club use. For example, outdoor classrooms increase in physical development, capability, and activity of students (How Students Learn, The Outdoor Classroom, The Outdoor Classroom as a Sustainability Education Tool, Why Consider Outdoor Classrooms, Why Outdoor Classrooms Are Important). In the present paper, the importance of an outdoor classroom is investigated. It is hypothesized that outdoor classrooms …show more content…

Students learn more when they have a desire to learn, relaxed, active involvement, are challenged and, in an exciting environment. The next factor is the class setting where teachers, students, materials, textbooks, technologies, and social structures are all related. Focusing on the students’ confidence, independence, knowledge, understanding skills and strategies, emerging with prior experience and, critical reflection. These must be met individually but with an outdoor classroom, most can be addresses in one …show more content…

E. O. Wilson’s Biophilia Hypothesis reminds us that the human species, having evolved in the natural world, has a deeply-rooted need to associate and connect with nature (Top Ten Reasons to have an Outdoor Classroom). This also enhances the sensory details of the student once outdoors. For students who are more successful in hands-on learning environments, tend to succeed more in the outdoor classroom.

Based off of several articles, it is clear that having an outdoor classroom will benefit not only students but also teachers and improve the school 's environment. The traditional classroom can not provide all the excitement and benefits that can outdoor classroom can such as team building, problem solving and, group bonding. Based off different articles and personal experiences, being in the outdoors excites students and gets them more involved with nature and the subject that is being

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