Importance Of Naming Baby Names In Islam

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13 Rules for Naming Baby Names in Islam
No doubt islam is the best present from Allah to us, His devotee in this world. All of elements regardless how we live and pray had been settled down in the right order and ways. Cycle of life began when people was born to the world by his mother’s intermediaries.
Name is a wish, it’s what we always heard. Name is one of the ways how we differentiate each people we meet. Before giving name to their children, every parents need to know the right rules and procedures in islam. Here we present 13 rules for naming baby names in islam.
1. Islam require every parents to giving name for their children. Allah said :
سَمِيًّا قَبلُ مِن لَهُ نَجعَل لَم يَحيىٰاسمُهُ بِغُلامٍ نُبَشِّرُكَ إِنّا زَكَرِيّا يا
‘O Zakaria! …show more content…

The exact time to naming the baby.
Rasulullah SAW said to naming the baby on 3 times:
a. Giving name when the baby is born
b. Giving name on the 3rd day after the baby was born
c. Giving name on the 7th day after the baby was born
Giving name on the 7th day could be followed by hold aqeeqah. Read (internal link law of aqeeqah)
5. It’s more likely to giving name with 2 syllables.
Allah loves the names like Abdurrahman and Abdullah, said Rasulullah SAW as narrated by Imam Muslim, Abu Dawud, etc. The two names before, contain an adoration to our Creator and had a beautiful meaning as Allah worshiper. The other examples are Abdul Aziz, Abdul Ghofur, Abdurrahim, etc. The first shahaabah who named his child by that names is Ibn Marwan Al – Hakim.

6. It’s more likely to naming the baby with the name of prophets and righteous people among the moslems.
Narrated by Muslim, al hadits Mughiroh bin Syu’bah radhiallahu ‘anhu as Rasulullah SAW said :

“ Indeed they names ( their children) with the names of prophets and righteous people”

Shahaabah Zubair bin ‘Awan radhiallahu ‘anhu has named his 9 children by the name of shahaabah who was syahid (dead) in Badar war, they are Abdullah,’Urwah, Hamzah, Ja’far, Mush’ab, ‘Ubaidah, Kholid, ‘Umar, and …show more content…

Choose a good name with beautiful meaning
Syaikh al-‘Utsaimîn rahimahullah said : “ Responsibility as parents is to pick their children name which is not make them feel embarrased and hurt when they have grew up. Because it’s possible for their father to like an exact name, which is has no meaning inside. However later on the child feels disturbed by his name and annoyed him more. In fact, we all already knew that harm the other moslem is haraam in islam. Based on that, it’s considered for the parents to choose the best name for their children and the most favored by Allah”.

In summary giving name to the children is one element to know personality, islamic knowledge who chose the name (his parents). In the common sense it said “min ismika, a’rifu abâk” (through your name, I can know your father).

8. You can ask ‘Aalim / religious leader for suggestion
If it is hard to choose the name, you can ask suggestion from ‘Aalim or religious leader you may know. In Rasulullah SAW era, shahaabah went to ask recommendation from him and brought their babies along. The action of shahaabah are the indication to hold some discussion regardless the

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