Importance Of Music Essay

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The Importance of Music With so many different cultures, races, religions, personalities, etc., it’s surprising how many fundamental things humans share. Music intertwines us all with its diversity and the effect it has on us. Whether you’re looking to rock out in a dance party, get a good workout in, sleep soundly, study hard, recover from a depressive state, or get the thrill of a super scary horror movie, music is there. Although listening to music is thought to be solely a source of entertainment, it can be used to improve almost all aspects of our everyday life. Until about the 1990’s, there were almost no studies done by psychologists on how music can affect us emotionally and physically. Because music has so much variety, different …show more content…

However, those who have low self esteem or are depressed are most susceptible to impaired judgement from the rock music. Rock music or sad music has been shown to create a vicious cycle of negative thoughts and memories. Typically, the words of rock or sad songs are relatable to negative portions of the sad persons life and can revisit these memories, thus falling into a deeper depression. (The Conversation) However, listening to upbeat or soothing music releases dopamine and makes the person happier. If we know that listening to happy music while we are sad makes us a little happier, why don’t we do it then? Well, that’s denial. There was a survey done asking clinically depressed patients what type of music they enjoy listening to. A whooping 96% answered either rock or sad music. They then were given a happy song to listen to and neuroimages showed a lot of activity happening in the frontal lobe, indicating strong emotions. Most of the subjects said that they felt happy, but insisted that the sad music made them happy. Listening to one happy song isn’t going to beat depression or poor image problems, but listening to it over a long period of time may help beat the negative cycle that your brain goes through with the rock music. (Science

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