Importance Of Family Negotiation

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Negotiation is the process enacted by two or more parties, to resolve a difference and ideally create a solution benefiting all involved parties. Negotiation is all about knowledge, strategies, your preferred stance taken in the process, how much concession can you afford to yield, and what you’re ultimate goal is. Is your goal to take all the share and value of the available resources? Or are you the kind of person/company that is willing to take the extra mile to create equal value for both parties, ultimately adding value to the relationship. The process always will depend on the company, each team players personality, trust and situation. A good negotiator will study his opponent, gain all knowledge needed and be able to adapt to the nature of the deal in short notice. We use the method of negotiation to solve problems and disputes taking place in business, government, between countries, and even in our day-to-day life, such as marriage and divorce, parenting and family.
In accordance to the topic of this report, there will be information gathered concerning negotiation in the most complicated and difficult aspect of life, family. Family negotiations without a question is categorized as the most difficult and complicated type of negotiation as it is the only situation where emotions are involved and cannot be ignored. Moreover the steps and …show more content…

Even though in some cases it is best to get an external opinion, a look at the bigger picture and a different perspective on the problem at hand. In the UAE there are courts specialized to deal with family disputes and cases that cannot be solved by the family members. It is not advisable for problems between families to go that far, as in most cases one party or the other will take a bigger portion of the winnings, leaving the family bond worse

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