Importance Of Environmental Protection Of The Environment

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Environment resources are valuable to human being and must be protected. Degradation of the environment mainly happens because of human activities and ought to be punished. The Malaysia constitution does not have a clear meaning. Beginning with Article 5(1) of the constitution which states that “No person shall be deprived of his right or personal liberty save in accordance to law.” This article had often been used to suggest that there is some form of environmental protection in Malaysia. However, the article itself does not clearly express and mention about the environment (indeed nowhere in the constitution is the word 'environment' for our purposes, found), the 'right to life' has been judicially interpreted to yield some (although limited) results . …show more content…

These environmental laws provide thorough provisions for what activities may and may not be carried out. The most important legislations are the National Forestry Act 1984, Environmental Quality Act 1974 and Wood- Based Industries (State Legislatures Competency) Act of 1984. There are also other complementing Acts which include the National Land Conservation Act of 1960, National Land Code of 1965, Protection of Wildlife Act of 1972, National Parks Act of 1980, National Environmental Policy and National Agricultural

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