Importance Of Effective Parenting

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By the time I had arrived at the breadth of adolescence, I’d realized there was a rather large and seemingly grey area that is parenting. Overprotective parenting, more specifically Authoritarian Parenting, is the parenting style that had been entrusted with sculpting me into the person I am today, equipping me with the social and emotional skills to successfully navigate the adult world. A parenting style that consists of misguided attempts to shelter children and that primarily result in individuals suffering from paranoia, extreme privacy issues, and a very real misunderstanding of natural and healthy interpersonal relationships. Consequently, hyper-control based parenting results in young adults inadequately equipped for academic …show more content…

If good grades are the bar for which parents ask children to reach, then it is highly probable that academic achievement, or failure, is something that child places immense personal value in. Developmental psychology outlines the importance of shaping an individual in their early years and allows parenting to be effectively simplified into Effective and Ineffective parenting. Effective parenting is the positive, balanced approach to support, affection, and parental involvement. All while establishing a clear set of expectations and boundaries. However, ineffective parenting is the excessive use of behavioral or psychological control to influence a child’s behavior or to establish boundaries. The three main approaches to parenting outlined in childhood development are; Affection, the positive support of a child with emphasis on strengthening trust to achieve the desired behavior. Behavior control, the dictation of behavior through consistent discipline and direction, an example would be the act of spanking or removing a positive element to deter a negative behavior. And psychological control, the attempt to control the child’s emotion and behavior through psychological means, an example would be guilt

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