Importance Of Education Essay

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Today’s youth is tomorrow’s nation. “Today’s youth” are children, and I am one of them.
Like all other humans, I have to control my actions for the better. I have the ability to do good or evil. I can leave this world a better place for having been there, or I can leave it a worse. I can give in to the natural sins of humanity - drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and hatred. Or, I can do good things - love, joy, serenity, gentleness and faith. How would I achieve all these? - Through education.
A child builds up his character and knowledge through education; and school is where students are nurtured of ethics and integrity. School life is the most impressionable period of life. During this period, the foundation of life of a child is solidly laid. Through education, one understands how to process thoughts and figures in his mind; one constructs his emotional barrier; and one figures out the meaning of life. With all these qualities in spirit and mind, a student designs his own thoughts and ideas which may stand him in good shape to future and this is extremely beneficial when he plays his r...

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