Importance Of Attitude Towards Reading

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POINT II: STUDENT’S ATTITUDES ANALYSIS Attitudes toward reading are defined as an individual’s feeling about reading. It causes learners to adopt or avoid a reading situation (Alexander & Filler, 1976). Attitude and interest toward reading can be related to feeling and their willingness to read. Reading attitude is defined by McKenna, Kear and Ellsworth (1996) as a system of feelings related to reading which causes the learner to approach or avoid a reading situation. Reading is generally accepted as a way of acquiring new information and new knowledge. We began by first reviewing the articles that need to be compared, between Malaysia and Vietnam readers. The first, a student’s attitude is based on enjoyment in reading. Actually, most countries have a reaction of enjoyment while reading. Based on Malaysia, findings shown that 63% agreed that they enjoy reading. However, there were students (8%) who disagreed about enjoying reading. The findings also showed that the highest percentages (42%) of the respondents agreed that they read daily or almost every day. In Vietnam however, the country’s level of enjoyment in reading, (33%) of the respondents claimed that they enjoy the activity very much, followed by (29%) of those that found reading enjoyable, (20%) share a fair relationship with it. Only a small amount of participants show little …show more content…

For example, although the students from both genders agree strongly that “reading is a skill for life” and “reading is important”, females were more likely to strongly agree with these two statements. In addition, the students as a whole agreed that they enjoyed visiting libraries. However, their library habits did not support the current findings, which concluded that the majority of participants visited a library at most once or twice a

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