Elementary Reading Interest Survey Analysis

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On October 10th, 2017 at Springhurst Elementary School, I conducted a “Reading Interest Survey” and the “Elementary Reading Attitude Survey.” These surveys were conducted on a 1st grade student, Jax, to determine what his feelings are towards reading in different settings, what genres he prefers to read, and interests. It was found that Jax doesn’t mind reading, but prefers a few different topics. This was evident through his raw score of 30 on recreational reading, and a raw score of 31 on academic reading. I started with the “Elementary Reading Attitude Survey,” in which Jax scored a full scale raw score of 62, showing that he is indifferent to reading. In the recreational reading section, it was found that Jax finds it tolerable reading on rainy days, during school, free time, at home, receiving a book for a present, starting a new book, reading during summer vacation, reading instead of playing, going to the book store, and reading different types of book. In addition, Jax’s attitude toward academic reading was similar to his recreational reading. He is indifferent about teachers asking him about what he reads, reading worksheets, reading during school, …show more content…

It was observed that Jax was compliant during survey questioning, and didn’t have a problem paying attention to the questions. He lights up when talking about books he really enjoys, such as books about wolves, or snakes. Jax retains information about topics he enjoys really well. For instance, he told me some interesting facts about wolves, and knew random facts about different animals. He loves the German culture because his family is from Germany, and visits Germany during the summers. Jax can also understand German spoken in the house. Overall, I was able to gather a lot of insightful information about Jax’s reading attitude to help guide further reading

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