Why Literature Matters Dana Gioia Summary

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Reading has been going through a steady according to the article “Why Literature Matters”. Dana Gioia believes that the decline of reading in America will have a negative effect on society. He believes that there are many people that contributes to the decline of reading but mainly in the young adults ages 18-24. Dana also believes that with the steady decline of reading we can see a major change in our nation including, being less informed,active, and having the ability to have an independent mind. Dana Gioia states that “The most worrisome finding in the 2002 study [Survey of Public Participation in the Arts],however, is the declining percentage of Americans, especially young adults, reading literature.” By stating this Dana is a firm believer that even though we are seeing a steady decline of reading literature in most Americans we are seeing it most common in the young adults area. He backs this up by saying “That individuals at a time of crucial intellectual and emotional development bypass the joys and challenges of literature is a troubling trend.” He argues that this should be the time that they are challenging themselves and reading books and finding the joy …show more content…

He back this up by saying “The decline in reading has consequences that go beyond literature.” In the business world reading is very important as stated by Dana by saying “The significance of reading has become a persistent theme in the business world.” Dana also states that when Wired Magazine was conducting interviews with business people they asked “What kind of talents they like to see in management positions, business leaders consistently set imagination, creativity, and higher-order thinking at top.” Not only is he arguing that reading is important he is stating how if you want to get into the business world you need to be able to read and comprehend things and be able to things at extraordinary level all from

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