Importance Of Academic Writing In Nursing

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Academic writing is a skill that styles your writing to make the piece of work easier to read and to understand. Writing an academic piece uses rules and guidelines to cover the way you write, the language that is going to be used and the format. Learning academic writing skills is important because it helps the authors work to be clear and understandable. Another important part is ensuring that the piece of writing should be fully and correctly referenced. There are important points that a nurse should learn. These are writing skills, grammar and punctuation, communication, reading nurses notes, nursing documentation and referencing. Writing clear, concise and readable notes is an aspect of a professional development for nurses. It demonstrates that the nurse has fully developed their academic writing skills effectively. The nurse’s piece of work depends not just on the content by how they express it. The top priority of the notes or documents is that it has to be clear and logically developed so that the health team and doctors are able to follow through what the nurse is trying to express. The aim of written communications is to convey thoughts and ideas clearly as possible to the healthcare professional and doctors. While reading the notes or documentation the person should not need to seek clarification or extra help in order to try to understand the writing. The nurse must give careful attention on how their work is structured and expressed, so that there won’t be any confusion or misunderstanding. Grammar and punctuation is another importance in academic writing. Having inappropriate punctuation, grammar and spelling will cause other staff nurses to have a difficult time to analyse your notes and documents. Proper punc... ... middle of paper ... ... informed of your own work. Referencing also helps to prevent plagiarism, implying that this idea is your own, as you are clearly stating the source for the ideas and evidence used. (K & T, 2010) This allows other staff members to access the work that you have referenced. It is important to have a reference list in an academic piece whether its nursing notes or documents. In conclusion, developing academic writing is essential in nursing. Maintaining good quality of academic records and documentations will have an important benefit for the staff. It can benefit them from good communication, continuity, consistency and efficiency. Without academic writing nurses and other professions will suffer from lack of communication, errors in notes and documentation. Therefore, nurses learning how to write in academic form has a positive effect to the present and the future.

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