What Is The Importance Of Academic Writing

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Academic writing skill is very essential for the college students. Through academic writing, the students can express their thoughts, feelings and point of view on a certain issue or topic. In presenting ideas about variety of issues, students need to follow certain rules in writing academic essays. Academic writing is a specific type of writing that is needed in writing formal essays in a certain course. To create a well-constructed essay, it is very important for the students to use academic writing style. It has specific features which include academic tone in the essays. To achieve formality of tone, students must maintain the objectivity of their written texts. Unfortunately, some of the students tend to use personal pronouns …show more content…

This is where the writer provides ideas and arguments with corresponding analysis, interpretation and evaluation. It also requires proficiency in grammar usage which means a writer should be mindful of the rules and conventions in writing to avoid erroneous sentence structure. Consistency is one of the skills needed in academic writing by making essays free from personal feelings and biases. A clear sense of argument is very important in academic writing because in writing the thoughts of writer would be vividly expressed. One has to give ideas and perception on a certain thing in the surroundings such as real object, picture, text, artifacts, phenomena and …show more content…

This study aimed to investigate how the speaker employs personal pronouns (we, you, I) in scholastic discourse with special attention to the utilization of "you" through the analysis of the Michigan Corpus of Scholastic Communicated in English (MICASE). The result of the study was that there was only one common pronoun used which is “you”. One is a hypothetical form “if you were/are” in college students’ speeches, which demonstrates that the speaker intends to engage the audience in the talk, rather than using impersonal forms or third person. The use of third person point of view will not make it ambiguous. “You” requires a specific person for addressing to a certain person making it personal and less formal. Because of this, “you” should be avoided in academic writing. In addition, the reason why “you” is frequently used because the pronoun “you” collocates with verb such as “you get”, “You think” “you have” and etc. This stud y about personal pronoun has bearing on the present study since both deals with pronouns. The study supports the present study since both are about academic. In addition, the findings of the study will justify that using the pronoun ‘you’ will not achieve the sense of objectivity in academic writing.
Among the studies conducted, none have delved on the use of personal pronouns in achieving the preferred tone in academic writing specifically in Bukidnon

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