Impactful Moments

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Life’s Impactful moments

A memoir is defined as a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. In regards to this essay being a memoir, Three important people’s passings in the last year will be talked about, and how awareness needs to be made about these illnesses, and the impact they have made in my life. In april of 2016, my grandfather also known in my life as “papa”, sadly passed away from sicknesses. In the previous year’s leading up to my grandfather’s passing, no one except my mom and I realized that his health was deteriorating right before our eyes.His health started deteriorating about 2 years ago when he had taken a fall, broke a rib, and a knee, and had to live in a rehab center for …show more content…

My grandma passed away from a mental illness known as depression. She did not know how to wrap her head around that fact that her husband of 61 years was gone. Depression affects about 6.5 million out of the 35 million elders. My grandma took me shopping about two weeks before she passed and she was not the same person. My grandma is such a bubbly person but that day i could see that she was no longer her bubbly self, in fact she seemed very down. About 2 days before my grandma passed she took my family out to dinner, and I could tell she was very depressed I just didn’t know how to tell my parents how depressed I thought she was. My dad was with her almost everyday working out bills and paperwork with her and keeping her company so she would feel a little better than she did at the time. Although we were with her everyday, she could not take it anymore and found a 24 hr period of time when my mom would be at work, i would be at school, and my dad was at work. The next morning my mom got a call from the neighbor saying something was not right because my grandma did not take the garbage out and she always does. My parents called 911 and told them about the situation and an ambulance was also sent. When the ambulance and the cop got to the house they told my parents that there was a very faint heartbeat on my grandma. They also told them that my grandma left a note to my parents, and set up all the paperwork in the kitchen so they suspected she had planned to do this. She was in the hospital for less than 24 hours, before she was taken off of life support, and sadly passed away on the night of july 10,2016. Elderly suicide is topic that is not talked about as much as it should be

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