John Erikson's Stages Of Psychosocial Development

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Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development consist of eight stages. Stages six, seven, and eight are characterized as young adulthood, adulthood, and old age, in that order. According to John Cavanaugh and Fredda Blachard-Fields (2011), authors of Adult Development and Aging, “During young adulthood, the major developmental task, achieving intimacy versus isolation, involves establishing a fully intimate relationship with another. With the advent of middle age, the focus shifts from intimacy to concern for the next generation, expressed as generativity versus stagnation. Finally, in old age, individuals must resolve the struggle between ego integrity and despair. This last stage begins with a growing awareness of the nearness of the …show more content…

I questioned whether he feels like he has lost his physical strength and he said he has. He is not as strong as he used to be and now has a harder time lifting heavy objects. He feels like his muscles aren’t as strong as they used to be and needs help moving anything heavy. I asked him if he feels like his strength will continue to decline and he said yes. When I asked him if he thought he would end up in a nursing home, he said that his sons will take care of him and he refuses to live in a nursing home that “smells of urine”. My grandpa has always hated nursing homes and refused to let my grandma live in …show more content…

He says he has learned many new things throughout his lifespan that he wasn’t aware of when he was younger. He says that he didn’t start reading books until he was in his thirties. I asked him about his level of wisdom and he said it has also increased throughout the years. He believes the saying that “with old age comes wisdom”. According to the Aging Quiz, provided by Linda Woolf, “Individuals possessing wisdom exercise insight, judgement, self-knowledge, and the ability to effectively manage their lives. Using this definition, the research has not found that older adults perform any better than younger adults. In other words, there are individuals both young and old who possess

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