Impact of Organizational Restructuring on Organizational Performance

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Change is the general idea of every active organization. Change occurs in almost all organizations which means at every level of the organization. The focus of our project would be on structural change in particular. We will be focusing on changes in the authority patterns, allocation of rewards, access to information, technology, and the likes. It will give us a clear and broad view of the organization. I will be doing the comparison on the conditions of Bank Alfalah before and after restructuring. Bank Alfalah Ltd changed its structure from De-Centralized to Centralized in January 2008. We would be doing comparison of the organization before 1980 when it was led under the Federal Government and from 1980 till this time period since it has been autonomously run by the Board of Governors. Currently the bank is operating on a Centralized structure with 3 department i.e. Sales, Operations and recovery.

As the title of the project shows that we are focusing on the performance of the organization due to restructuring; so restructuring is defined in terms of work environment, training, and technology. Training further implies knowledge and skills of the employees. These are the variables of organizational restructuring. Unless or until the employees of an organization are not trained properly and empowered, the organization cannot meet its goals. An Organization belonging to which ever industry has to put effort to sustain its growth in the industry. The performance of organization is based on its productivity. The focus area of my research is the banking sector. There are no comparisons in my study as such with other organizations because I have studied a s...

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... diverse workplace. Understanding the relationship between organization restructuring and its employees is the key to improve your organization’s ability to move through change effectively and perform well.

Organization restructuring can help you gain insight about job fit and how best to alight talent with business needs to deliver the highest level of organizational performance. Knowing the goals and objectives of each individual in your organization can be difficult. Analysis will help you develop an effective solution for organization restructuring by assessing your workforce and their position in the following organization issues:

- Overall mission, vision and strategy

- Current and future business culture

- Customer strategies

- Employee strategies

- Functional practices and systems

- Senior management

- Performance measurement and management systems

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