Immigration Struggles In America

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Over many years, immigrants have helped America's economy grow by the dominate race allowing Mexicans to mine, using African slaves to farm, allowing Asians to build railroads for faster transportation of goods, and doing all this solely on native land (Wise, 2012,p.126-127). Old white men established rules and regulations on how they could allocate their resources to other countries to invest in more profit in any way they can in order to create social order. Although they created these ideas, they used humans for their own success and to get ahead of everyone. The economy has been progressing, new inventions, and ideas have funded America's economy. However, There were times when America's economy had dropped to a sudden standstill and many …show more content…

Many people lost their jobs, houses and caused them a lot of grief during this time. Although some don’t understand the issues revolving around the America’s economy, having a well-known candidate like Donald Trump, has influenced others to believe that immigrants are the core problem to America’s economy slump. He’s persuading the people to believe that he can make “America great again” by "building a wall” to keep all the illegal immigrants out the United States. Because race has become a bigger issue now than ever in our society, Wise states that "even when a black person has a college degree, he or she is nearly twice as likely as one of us with a degree to be unemployed, while Latinos and Asian Americans with degrees are 40 percent more likely than we are to be out of work, with the same qualifications" (Wise, 2012, p.30). It's been common to stereotype minorities, especially blacks, and Latinos as uneducated and lacking the ability to search for a job or keep a job (Wise, 2012). However, that's not the case. We see this mostly happening in areas where it's predominantly minorities living there because many businesses and corporate businesses have their own idea of who they want to …show more content…

According to Matt Taibbi's book, The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap (2014), he claims that our social justice system is part of reason why so many minorities are overrepresented in the prison system. He talks about how police target low economic neighborhoods in order for police to fulfill their quota (Taibbi, 2014). This also pumps money into the social justice system by handing out citations in which they will have to pay back (Taibbi, 2014). He does mention police brutality and its existence, but just recently our society has experienced and witnessed this first hand. Which has led to "Black Lives Matter" and "All Lives Matter" movement people were witnessing police shootings and killings of black males for reasons that are considered to be ridiculous. Being Latino is also a struggle in the states as well. Wise brought up the law in Arizona which allows law enforcements to stop anyone they deem as undocumented. They have the right to ask for identification and they have to prove they are a citizen of this country (Wise, 2012). By Arizona allowing their law enforcement to work in this manner. It’s initially violating their rights to live peacefully and breaking civil liberties as a human in this

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