Financial Disparity Among Minority Millennials

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In “Why So Many Minority Millennials Can’t Get Ahead” The Atlantic author Mel Jones expresses that white families provide their children with financial assistance to get a head in life, or by inheritance, unlike the minority Hispanics and blacks who have to continually make sacrifices that set them back. To begin the article, Jones starts building her credibility with a personal fact. Then she provides credible sources, she cites convincing facts and statistics, and successfully uses pathos in applying her emotional appeals. On the other hand, when nearing the end of her paper, her biased opinions begin to weaken her credibility.
As her report begins, Jones constructs her beginning by describing a personal experience of having to use her “House Funds” to help her mother pay for her father’s unexpected funeral expenses. The tone of this article is melancholic. Jones wants the reader to understand why minority people can’t seem to get a head in life. Subsequently, she moves on and outlines that for many minority Millennials of color helping family members is not an irregularity, this is something that happens more often than not (Jones). Jones continues her argument, stating that instead of the minorities building assets they are spending money on basic …show more content…

To add on, her ending paragraph only refers to her personal experience. Not necessarily returning to her thesis in the conclusion. Although, returning to her own personal experience is an appeal to ethos and to her personal credibility, this is very efficient in the introduction. In the conclusion statement her argument loses the strength and credibility that the topic initially introduced which results in her argument sounding somewhat

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