Image Of Beauty

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Name : Mok Wai Wah LANG1003s Section : T10
Is the image of beauty in the media and advertisement believable?
The ideals of beauty have been modifying along the development of human society. In the past, beauty was just a functional term to determine the fertility of women. Once being fat was one of the requirements of beauty in the world and nowadays we still could find it in some developing countries like Mauritania (Harter, 2004). However, the norm of beauty becomes more commercial, unnatural and unnecessary. It is not only related to the economic development along with globalization but also mainly contributed by the modern the advertising industry and the media. The consequence is miserable and induces a negative atmosphere in the globe.
The miserable consequence can lead to a serious health impact on the human body, causing permanent damage or even death. Whatever media or advertisement of talking beauty people meet in daily life, the basic norm of beauty has been always to have a thin, slim body with a Barbie-doll face. The image of beauty on TV and the newspaper bring an unrealistic belief in the society and led women to do everything that can attain such an unattainable goal. For example, in Hong Kong, women tend to obtain the ‘magic number’, which is below 100 pounds no matter what somatotype they have (Chu, 2010). In Asia, women try to lose Weight by dieting, taking pills, conducting cosmetic surgery or even through taking worms but no one would want to try doing the exercises since long office hour. They extremely rely on those methods and finally their body have to suffer a series of diseases like eating disorder, malfunction, and prominent damage on organ. Although using drag and condu...

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