Ideal Of Government Essay

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Which Ideal of the Government is the Most Important? What makes our nation a free land, what protects from tyranny, what gives us the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The Declaration of Independence. This document list ideals of our rights. While the Declaration of Independence is pretty much the most important document in history, listing all these ideals, which ideal is the most important? Before knowing which is most important, it is important to know the history of our most valued document, the Declaration of Independence was created after the French and Indian War, when Britain tried to tax the colonists. Protests led to rebellion, and war began, however, the Second Continental Congress sought peaceful resolutions, …show more content…

The government would have no rights to protect, making the consent of the governed is the second most important ideal. “The most fundamental concept of democracy is the idea that government exists to secure the rights of the people and must be based on the consent of the governed.” – “The Consent of the Governed: Essential Principles.” Democracy web. Some countries are lacking in the consent of the governed, take for instance, China. In 1989, Chinese students gathered in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, demanding the government secure their rights. This led to the adoption of the Statue of Liberty, which symbolized their demands for truth, freedom, and …show more content…

Without the consent of the people, only government would be composing new laws. This would mean that the people would not have any say in the process of lawmaking, or government decisions. Without our unalienable rights, we would basically live under a tyranny. Without equality, only some people are endowed to natural rights. However, these dilemmas could be solved easily with the ability to renew, or reconstruct the

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