Iceland Research Paper

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History project;
The country below is about Iceland. There is a myth that Iceland was named Iceland and Greenland was named Greenland, so people would go to Greenland more and Iceland would be hidden from the world. Iceland’s name was given by Flóki Vilgerdarson, and Greenland has nothing to do with Iceland’s name. He set sail and he made shore on the island at Vatnsfjord and he settled for the winter, fishing the rivers for food. However, because Floki didn’t gather fodder or winter food for the animals he brought with him, all the animals starved to death. The next spring was cold and the fjords where full of ice, not letting him leave the Iceland. Every time he tried to leave he met a harsh spring and cold winter. So, he cursed the Iceland …show more content…

Some words in Icelandic are bless meaning good bye, takk meaning thank you, nei meaning no and já. Iceland is known for the untouched nature. Many natural places have been the same for millions of years. You might prefer to go to one of them. One would lake myvan geothermal area, approximately 90 kilometers east from Akureyr, it was most likely formed by a volcanic eruption. If you love the sea and cliffs you would love Hornstrandir nature reserve. Hornstrandir is placed in the northernmost part of the west fjord. Its 534meters above sea level so the view would be fantastic, if you are not afraid of heights. If you don’t love the cliff and love the sea then reynisfjara beach, approximately 180 km from Reykjavik. It’s a black sand beach and there are three titanic rocks, said to be 3 trolls roaming while the sun is out. The 3 trolls are facing a cave. If you don’t like the sea or any type of cliff then you should visit Reykjavik, approximately 0 cm from Reykjavik. It’s the capital why would you not visit a capital by the …show more content…

Grease three 8-inch round cake pans.
Divide batter among the three pans and bake 30 minutes until golden brown.
Cool in the pans for 5 minutes. Then remove from pans and cool completely.
Beat heavy cream with sugar. Spread strawberry jam between layers. Just before serving, spread top and sides with whipped cream.

Iceland have many art festivals. Hand knitting is a kind of art, ceramics and jewelry. Iceland has 43 religions, most of them being Christianity, 10% of people in Iceland go to church ones or twice a month and half of Iceland say they go to church ones a year. 94% of people in Iceland have some type of religion, making Iceland one of the most religious country in the world. Iceland is cold during winter and gets damp in the summer rainy seasons are from October to January. Its windy in Iceland. The Icelandic people are descendants of Vikings. Their language is mostly untouched and its still the same as it was 800 or more years ago.
I couldn’t find out why horses are famous there, but my guess is that Iceland doesn’t have many native animals and the horses in Iceland are mostly pure breed. The horses come with the Viking ship that sailed to Iceland. Some of the horses can change their color depending on the

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