Comparative Analysis: Arid and Ice Cap Climates

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The climates on earth are very unique depending on their placement on the planet's axis. No one really realizes how different they can be or how similar they really are. The ice caps and the arid climates are two examples of unique climates. Arid is another word for dry land, the ice caps are the cold climates. The Arid climates are covering nearly 33% of the earth’s land. The ice caps are only at the poles directly north and south of the equator, but this climate covers nearly 20% of the earth. These two climates sound very different, but no one would ever know the similarities of them until they really looked into the facts.
The ice caps are the most extreme climates on earth. They are located at the north and south poles. These poles are …show more content…

This is a pattern due to the cold water climates. The arid climates are existent mostly in the center of a continent or beneath a continents rain shadow of a large mountain range. The rain shadow is land on a said of a mountain that is very dry because the mountain forces warm air higher into the sky, which cools it and it falls as rain, but only on one side of the mountain. Most of the arid areas or regions do not have regular seasons. An example would be the Sahara Desert which is always hot and dry. Some Arid places do have changes in temperature depending on the latitude and the surrounding climates. This would mean they have two seasons, which would be summer and winter. The temperatures of these locations can reach as high as 130 degrees or as negative as 30 degrees. This temperature also depends on the location at which it is located on the planet. These hot deserts have a poor rate of precipitation due to the lack of water to be evaporated. In order to have an Arid climate there must be less than 10 inches of water which most deserts do. Some of these deserts have less than 10 inches of rain a year.The causes of these poor climates would be the cold currents carrying dry air, so these lands are blasted with dry air most of the …show more content…

Most people on the planet are oblivious to these climates which is remarkable due to how many ways they could learn about them. They’re complete opposites but yet have similarities. Most would think they do not have similarities all because they’re completely different. These climates are caused by the ocean winds which assisted in making them dry and unpleasant for those who are not capable of handling such climates. They could easily be looked at as different and have no possible chance to even be compared and thought of as similar. They are very incredible because of the climates they maintain. They are completely opposite and yet have similarities. This is what makes every climate unique and amazing in it’s own

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