Ic Reflection

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4. One of UIC’s greatest strengths is its immense diversity. Describe how your own personal background would add to UIC’s diversity and why your personal traits would stand out even in such a highly multi-lingual and multi-cultural institution.
From 6th grade to 9th grade, I attended an international school in Japan. Before moving to Japan, I had been poor at English or other languages and only contacted a little about foreign culture just through books and television. Consequently, at the beginning of the international school, I had trouble getting used to the environment because everything was strange to me and I could not understand what happened. However, as slowly getting used to school life, not only I started to develop my English and Japanese language …show more content…

When I lived in Japan, even though Korea and Japan seemed to be very similar in appearance, I realized a huge difference between two cultures. I have become interested in comparing and analyzing the societal aspects of Korea and Japan and could understand better the Japanese people and society. For further research, I joined the school club where I discussed current affairs with other students. I mostly focused on international issues, including issues in Japan. That got me into being concerned in not just their culture and society, but also in the relationship with Korea.

In order to prepare for UIC’s rigorous liberal arts education, I took humanities classes as an extra curricular activity in high school, where I took introductory courses of western and eastern philosophy along with the philosophy of science. From that program, I learned that the liberal arts is adjustable to all studies and provides a sturdy foundation to them. In order to jump into the oceans for the expert of the relationship between Korea and Japan, liberal arts education is mandatory to achieve the broader foundation of knowledge for

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