I Want To Pursue A Degree In Criminology

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There are a wide range of ideas that are explored through the study of crime. I have been fascinated by a variety of these ideas, such as crime prevention, since I found out my neighbor was a detective, and he shared his experiences with me. This led to me discovering the topic of criminology.

After reading a history of serial killers by criminologist David Wilson, my fascination of criminology grew enough for me to want to pursue a degree in the area, and a future relating to this chosen subject. After researching the subject I found out that there is a vast list of areas within criminology and discovered how these specific areas can be applied to a variety of different jobs relating to crime. I was also inspired by watching the documentary by Louis Theroux, titled By reason of insanity, exploring the theme of how criminals were treated in the prison and their experiences. This too helped me attain knowledge on crime in general. …show more content…

By researching further into this area I found out that moral panic is explored by criminologists and in criminology. By exploring this concept in my A level, it will allow me to gain knowledge in this particular area which will help me when studying criminology.

To explore potential future careers and further my knowledge in criminology I did work experience at a police station in London to help enhance my understanding and knowledge of the variety of jobs available in the police force and how criminology would weave into this particular field. From my work experience I gained a better understanding of how crime is explored and prevented as well as acquiring inspiration from young people who were young police cadets at two centers I volunteered at, as they shared their views on the police and their determination to help the

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