I Love Monologue

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Do you ever do something you wish you could take back immediately? Something you knew you shouldn’t have said or done in the heat of the moment? This wasn’t one of those times. I couldn’t bring myself to stop stabbing him, I had more frustration to let out than I had grasped. The walls being painted with the end of his life wasn’t enough for me, I had to see it for myself. I had to see his eyes lose its life, I had to know that it would all be over, and I would never again feel those hands around my neck. I would never again feel them brush the hair out of my face to see his beautiful smile, never again feel his embrace or hold his hand. I would never have to put make up on my bruises and fake a smile, I would never again have to feel his hand on the front of my throat wondering if this will be it. If you had asked me six years ago what I imaged my life to be, murdering my high school sweetheart turned husband would be the last thing I thought would happen. Ella will surely be disappointed I thought. Disappointed to never see her father again and disappointed to know it was her mother’s fault. …show more content…

I’ve been described by most as fun, adventurous, trusting, and naïve. For so long I was sure every person had good in them even if they always didn’t show it. Jade was my best friend she was short and spunky with pink and blonde hair and refused to take shit from anyone. Jade and I met in third grade and became inseparable. Like most teenage girls we did everything together, all the same classes, shopping, eating, spending weeks at the others houses. Being sixteen and having great friends, amazing grades, and the most genuinely beautiful personality, I was on her way to having an incredible

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