Pegasus Monologue

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Lying on the roof of the Drop Ship, Asteria has her limbs stretched out around her as she gazes at the stars in the night sky, this had quickly become her favourite place inside the confides of their camp. Up here she had a clear view of everything happening during the day, while, at nightfall she could clearly see all the stars.

On of one her first nights here she had noted how they looked different from the Ground as opposed to the Ark but she knew that was to be expected. Down here they were shining lights that speckled across the sky although not all of them were equally as bright they all work together to create the mesmerizing series of images above her. It is enchanting and serves it’s purpose as the distraction she’s been seeking …show more content…

Except she didn’t come up here to think about anything associated with the ‘g’ word, so instead she lets her eyes trail over the stars, searching for a familiar constellation.

Pegasus is the one she finds. The four brighter stars make up the square, which represents the front half of the horse’s body, even though the stars that compromise the neck and legs of the horse aren’t as bright she could still distinguish them. The constellation doesn’t actually look like a horse unless the image is flipped over in your mind, Asteria remembers reading that in her family’s large book on constellations. She can also recall reading how some nights there were stars that created the appearance of wings on the horse, which gave it its famous name.

Asteria found it beautiful. And she knew her parents would too. The dull ache in her chest over the recent likelihood of her father’s death resurfaces as thoughts of her parents begin to cloud her mind. It seems distractions from reality never last long. What hurts the most, she thinks, is the fact that she would never be able to share any of this with her father because he would be the only one to understand how it would have made her mother

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