I Hate Change Short Story

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I hate change. My whole life I’ve loved the constants that I lived with: my family, my dog, my house, the flowers in my backyard, my books, my music, my best friends. I lived happily when I knew that the things I treasured most would be with me when I woke up the next day. Of course, as in any story, any life, this would all change. My friends were some of the best things that happened to me. A jovial, opinionated band of smart girls, we stuck together all through Joyce Kilmer and Ramapo Ridge. For four years they were one of my life’s biggest constants. This all changed during eighth grade. The expectations were accentuated this year, piled upon them by their parents, teachers, even each other. It was always ‘be in the top classes, get into Honors Society, get into the best …show more content…

A cold dread would settle upon me whenever I searched for how I would be able to face school alone. No options would reveal themselves. Summer came and went. We visited each other, sent endless streams of texts and photos, but I could not forget that I would never see them in school again. Until the last day of summer, I had never really accepted that they would be gone. Then came the fear. I tried to push it away. High school was inevitable; I couldn’t cower a whole year in my basement no matter how hard I wanted to. Nothing anyone tried soothed me. The first day of school dawned after I had. The morning was cold sunshine on a content blue sky. I was so despondent that I was crying; how would I be able to deal with a new school, with new teachers, guys with beards, and so many of my best friends gone? I shuffled into the school and into the cafeteria. All my stress-saturated thoughts melted out of me as two of my remaining best friends waved at me from the table they were sitting at. I calmed myself down as I realized that she would still be here for

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