I Am A Great Time, He 's A Perfect Gentleman

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I’m sure a lot of you can relate to having dealt with or are dealing with this ‘guy”. I’m going to break him down for you and give you cheat codes. So listen, let’s say you meet this guy via twitter, or life, or whatever… he seems cool enough and carries himself well. In fact he carries himself very well… so well that he appears even more attractive to you. He has a good sense of style, he’s smart, and he’s not pushing the next Ryan Gosling. Alright so you both start talking and the vibe is DOPE. Like you both connect. Conversation flows (or in your case does not). He’s easy to talk too, and he texts you back in a timely manner. The whole nine. You guys go out and he’s amazing, you have a great time, he’s a perfect gentleman. Everything is lit. You both go out again. More of the same thing. Everything is the same. SOOO now you are hyped, you got this fine dude (He upgraded in your head because he’s not weird or awkward) and you both really start to click. He’s a real gentleman so he doesn’t even bring up sex. You thinking you caught yourself a good one, and you have…….Then *IT* happens. You text one day and he replies slower than usual… JUST… Slow enough to where you can tell something is off with the chemistry of you two. He doesn’t call you as often anymore… he’s not as hyped to talk to you. He still likes you, but you can feel this sense of doubt on him. This could be weeks in the relationship or months in… but you can tell something isn’t right, you think he got another girl on the side... but that’s generally not the case. You hit him up…again no reply, or all of a sudden he’s busy. You: “Boy you weren’t busy when we are cuddling or you are sweet talking me”. This guy had you thinking you are wife material. He has seen your b...

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...way that feeling will ever be handled is if he makes that DECISION. He has to face that uncertainty and say…”I’ve decided to love.” Because emotions are far too wishy washy to make permanent DECISIONS. He needs a permanent decision for when he reaches a level of maturity, and when he decides to love. After he has done that THAT… is when you finally have a man who is ready to date and marry (emotionally). So if you’re in one of these relationship or have been. That is typically what happened… My best advice for you is for you to TALK with your man about this. It’s not an easy thing to talk about. Especially since we won’t want to admit to you that that is what’s happening or that is what happened. But this talk is SO necessary. You got to get a man who wakes up every day and decides to love you. And everything won’t be peaches… but you know it won’t be a waste of time.

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