Hypothetical Case Studies

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The Hypothetical Patient
Kyle, a twenty-five year old male presents for assistance in managing an irrational and persistent fear of sunlight causing significant stress in his life. The thought of going outside or skin cancer brings on extreme feelings of anxiety and panic to him. This specific phobia has been present in his life for a year and has caused him to avoid sunlight at all cost. This natural environment specific phobia has simply forced him into home isolation during the day, to avoid the sun. He will leave his home at night to go to the grocery store and his mailbox. He has been out of work for the past year, leaving him with excess financial stress as well.

Patient Diagnosis and Discussion
Kyle has been diagnosed having a specific phobia is defined as a persistent and unreasonable fear to a particular object, activity, or situation (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Persons that have a phobia tend to be fearful even thinking about the object or situation they dread. This phobia has severely disrupted his normal life causing distress and impairment. This has caused …show more content…

First, this theory ignores the biological components that could be at play in a persons disorder. Some people may be more predisposed by their genes to develop anxieties or phobias. Additionally, thought patterns from a cognitive approach are disregarded, suggesting that irrational beliefs or catastrophic thoughts contribute to the development of a phobia. Through this cognitive approach, it’s explained that even the thought of fearful situations initiate the phobia, a symptom Kyle exhibits. Family and social therapy are also important in treatment for phobias. Through this therapy, Kyle can be assisted and relate with those surrounding him going through similar situations. Support can be established and he will be able to realize he is not alone or isolated in this endeavor to combat his

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