Hymn To Aten Research Paper

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Does the Hymn to Aten reinforce or challenge traditional approaches to Egyptian religion?

The Hymn to Aten is one of the longest hymns written to the sun deity, Aten. The Hymn to Aten challenges the traditional approach to the Egyptian religion. Starting around the middle of the 14th century BC, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, later named Akhenaten, voided the old gods of the Egyptian religion to having only one sun god, Aten.
The Original Egyptian religion was based on science medicines Magic spiritualism. Their religion consisted of many gods and goddesses, not just one theistic God. Much like many polytheistic religions each god and goddess had a different role to play. For example, Heka was the reason that the humans and the deities came together. Much like every religion, it has a story of creation. While the story of creation for Egyptians started off with chaos or Nu. How does the chaos Rose a hell known as Ben Ben. there stood the great God of Atum or …show more content…

During this time he changed his name to Akhenaten, which means one who is akh for Aten. Hymn of Aten Not only challenges the original religion as only having one God but it also depicts a new Sun God as a sudden death in the ways that the sun rays are offering Life by the hands of the sun God's to both the king and the people nearest to him mostly the women. the Pharaoh would have songs of Sun to the Sun. Rather than having people praying and bring offerings like they did for Ra. When does radical departure it's separated the Pharaoh and his courts in the influence of the priesthood and centers of worship. Thus erasing all of the gods or attempting to for twenty years. Greek god and goddess of the Egyptian religion had his own family of priestesses temples shrines and rituals. When Atenism came through, they were destroyed. Aten What's to be worshipped as Open Spaces rather in dark Temple enclosures like the old gods had

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