Hunting Is Cruel And Unnecessary

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In early civilizations hunting was a necessity for human survival, the dead animals would be sometimes worshiped for religion even. Now modern humans no longer have to hunt for survival, because people now have more opportunities for subsistence that the people back then did not have. People who do not have access to a grocery store could possibly grow plants as an alternative to hunting. Hunting should be illegal in New York State, because it is cruel to animals, unnecessary and morally wrong.

In the article ‘Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary’ it states that “hunting can kill more than 200 million animals yearly, likely injuring, orphaning, and stressing millions more”. If a hunter were to use a loud gun it would stress many animals within …show more content…

The source states “To attract more hunters (and their money), federal and state agencies implement programs-often called wildlife management or conservation programs-that are designed to boost the number of game species. These programs help to ensure that there are plenty of animals for hunters to kill and, consequently, plenty of revenue from the sale of hunting licenses.” Duck hunters in Louisiana even persuaded the state wildlife agency to direct 100k a year towards reducing predator rates, that of which included trapping foxes and raccoons so duck eggs would hatch safely, giving hunters more game to hunt. The article states “In Alaska, the Department of Fish and Game is trying to increase the number of moose for hunters by controlling the wolf and bear populations.” This is wrong because not only does “controlling” the predator populations feed animal extinction issues, but it also messes with nature's balance. Predators help maintain the balance of ecosystems by only killing the sickest and weakest animals. On the other hand, hunters kill any animal they come across not knowing or caring about the health or state of the animal they are pursuing. Large, healthy animals are a vital part of keeping populations and ecosystems …show more content…

Though wildlife managers are trying to “control” deer populations by encouraging hunting, according to the article ‘Hunting Is Destructive To The Environment, Ecology and Biology’ those same wildlife managers are increasing deer populations by manipulating habitats to increase shelter and food supply for said deers. The article states “Deer populations are naturally low in dense forests because there is little for deer to eat. By removing trees and thinning them out, or doing controlled burns the sun can hit the forest floor allowing more deer browse to grow.” Wildlife managers are also trying to grow bucks (male deer) with large antlers for trophy hunters. That requires killing more females to allow males to mature to the size trophy hunters would desire for. The article also states “When you see regulations that allow for the taking of more females than males, or taking males with certain size antlers, you know that they are doing ‘Quality Deer Management’ rather than ‘Quantity Deer Management.” It is fairly new and not as popular with hunters as being allowed to kill bucks without thinking about how large the antlers

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