Hunting Forever-Personal Narrative

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“Here one comes,” my dad whispered, as we sat on the crunchy forest floor. The deer was walking behind a fallen tree. I reached for my gun. The buck walked out of the brush right in front of a large oak tree. My dad grunted and the buck stopped in mid trot. I aimed and pulled the trigger. This was a moment that I will never ever forget. It’s a moment that changed the way that I saw hunting forever.
When we all woke up the sky was still black as coal. Everyone still had sleep in their eyes. The aroma from my mom’s cooking traveled though out my grandparent’s house, dragging them to the dining room table. While we were sitting at the table we were all debating who was going to hunt where. My Grandpa, cousin and sister decided that they were going to hunt in my grandpa’s woods. My sister Erin, mom, dad and I were going to go across the lake. We all got dressed and hooked up the boat and headed out. …show more content…

When we got to the lake we backed the boat into the water. We loaded all of our hunting gear and guns into the boat. The air was crisp and the waves were crashing against our boat. We traveled full length of the lake and beached along the shore. The cat-tails were swaying like a palm tree branch. We unloaded the hunting gear and started our trek thru the mucky shoreline into the woods. As I was walking through the tall weeds I spotted some deer beds scattered next to the deer trails. My sister Erin and mom sat in a deer stand that overlooks the 286 acre lake. I sat on the ground by a fallen oak tree on top of the hill; my dad was in a tree about twenty yards away from me. The gun shots echoed from across the lake, but here on our 12 acres, it was

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