Humorous Wedding Speeches

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My heart was beating rapidly, my breathing was uncontrollable and I began to run cold water down my hands in the sink of the Chapel. I absolutely cannot believe that this is happening to me right now on the greatest day of my entire life. I have waited for this once-in-a-lifetime moment ever since I was twelve years old and I met the love of my life, Jada Lee. Today is the day that I am publicly going to announce my great love for her and I am horrified that I am going to mess up and ruin our wedding. I have had severe anxiety attacks ever since I can remember, but I shouldn’t be nervous about today. I am marrying my perfect angel. Jada is the only person that I have ever met that has always been able to calm me down when my anxiety kicks …show more content…

We stood looking into each other’s eyes taking our moment in. The minister began speaking and asked us to share our vows. Jada started and proclaimed, “I promise to be your lover, companion, and friend. I will always be here for you and I will fight for you and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you, so know you’re not alone in this." I smiled and a tear slowly rolled down my face. I looked Jada in the eyes, squeezed her hands, and announced, "You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you.” The crowd clapped and sniffled continuously. Jada winked at me and I nodded and we turned to face the crowd and …show more content…

The minister asked me, “Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" and I proudly responded with, “I do.” “Therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!” Jada and I kissed and it was the most magical feeling I have ever encountered. As we walked back down the aisle together, I had never felt so alive. I was feeling true, genuine joy, something that rarely ever happens to me. We exited the Chapel and hopped inside of our limo to head to our reception a couple of miles away. It was our first time in a limousine and we were ecstatic. It felt like heaven on earth. It slowly started to rain, but I wasn’t worried because we were fairly close to our destination. “I can’t believe that we are finally married. I seriously can’t wrap my mind around the fact,” Jada giggled. “I know, isn’t this just the most perfect day! Hey, look! There’s are reception hall,” I announced

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