Humorous Wedding Letter

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Dearest Thingie, Twenty-six years ago you and I took the vows of the most important thing in my life. In front of God and a room full of friends and relatives we vowed Qabool Hai, Qabool Hai….. that was For better or worse, in sickness or in health, for richer or poorer, till death us do part. You were too young but I also knew little that the commitment I was making had no money back guarantee, no magic potion, and no formula for success….. yet, I was willing to stand by you, protect you with the belief that with my pure and selfless approach, and with your love, affection and support, we together would beat the odds. But I also knew that our respect for each other, our dreams, and our happiness all depended on me and my and only my handling …show more content…

None of us ever complained about the place or the standard or the Jahaiz or the Bari, it was the two of us and only us against the whole world. Be it Goshi, or Amna or Lucky or Nina or Shireen, it was my responsibility to protect your honour, your dignity and your respect. Nothing else was more important. This did create a lot of ripples and turbulence but we withstood everything, hand in hand with a clear heart and an unshakable trust on each other. Equipped with your charm, your pleasant manners, great listening skill and instantaneous adaptation You came out with flying colours and I honestly don’t know how well it went but I know that I struggled to maintain the balance. You never asked me for any expensive gift and I never bothered with any …show more content…

We were in control and responsible for each other's happiness. With love and trust we began to unravel our dreams. Together we became partners, lovers, parents, providers, and most of all best of friends. Friends who had no secrets from each other, friends who would die for each other. We have shared the good times and bad, we've made and lost friends and relatives, we've shown our good side and bad, we've been right and wrong, we've laughed and cried, consoled each other in times of sorrow, and have weathered the storms of our changing lives. We've grown in wisdom, compassion, trust, understanding. We haven't always seen eye to eye but together we've walked the road of life and with full knowledge of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, we still walk . . . . . . side by side, hand in hand, and heart to

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