Me Monologue

537 Words2 Pages

Please Try and Continue to Work with Me

Hey you. We made it. We started in the most cliché of ways too. So many movies, books, and songs are centered around two people that meet in an unexpected way and can’t stop fucking each other. Over a year has past now and nothing much has changed except for our feelings. The type of feelings that fill your being with smiles that last days and dreams that we know will come true.

I have to tell you now my love, just how dark my past is. I need to tell you over time just how often I have given my heart to someone who didn’t even bother looking me in the eye. I’ve given my body and soul to someone who chose to leave me on read. I’ve devoted my time, money, and patience to show someone just how much I was willing to offer and it was taken for granted. …show more content…

I am sorry for my untrusting heart that’s protected by a wall of steel. I don’t want to hurt again but I also don’t want us to miss out on something great because of my fears. I’m sorry that I will ask you if you truly care about me. Even when you shower me with endless words, gifts, and loyalty. I will still shiver at the thought of you walking out that door like everyone else has done.

I am a strong woman. I am capable of a great love. I am convinced that this thing between the two of us will last a long ass time. And yet... I am riddled with doubts. Will you stay? Will I change? What if I want to do my own thing for a while? What if you do? What if we hate each other in a few weeks? Months? Years?

What if you decide it’s time for me to go and you do everything in your power to remove me from your life

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