Human Rights In Africa Case Study

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1. The concept of human rights The specific nature of human rights, as an essential precondition for human development, implies that they can have a bearing on relations both between the individual and the state, and between individuals themselves. The individual-state relationship is known as the ‘vertical effect’ of human rights. While the primary purpose of human rights is to establish rules for relations between the individual and the state, several of these rights can also have implications for relations among individuals. This so-called ‘horizontal effect’ implies, among other things, that a government not only has an obligation to refrain from violating human rights, but also has …show more content…

It is a tactic of using threats, violence and breaking of the law to demand that a particular thing be done. This strategy is often used in unequal power struggles, when a weaker person, or group, is fighting against a powerful nation-state. The violence is aimed at creating fear in the targeted population and often provokes prompt and violent response from the state. The people or groups of people carrying out the terrorist acts are known as terrorists. The acts of terrorism is usually carried out in such a way that human rights violations are adverse. Terrorism includes the nature of bombing, torture, killing, crimes and many other atrocious …show more content…

This therefore becomes a burden on other nations because they have to provide accommodation, food and security to the refugees. Refugee crisis gives birth to a lot more other issues affecting the human rights of the victims. Refugees become stripped off their right to human dignity since the whole situation and set up of refugee camps is not necessarily a conducive environment for living. Some of the conditions in refugee camps are that the right to life, adequate health care and sanitation are not implemented or rather enforced and hence most people in refugee camps die because of starvation and

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