Universal Human Rights: A Cultural Challenge

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On the cultural challenge for universal human rights, some claims historical root of human rights in Europe and America, where there are several declarations of rights and revolutions to claim a tradition of struggling for the right. Hence, the fulfill of universal human rights in other areas may come up with a significant challenge. (Kühnhardt 1991) Universal human rights also are seen as a newly formed capitalism and would intervene state sovereignty.1 Another middle approach is to search a reconciliation through cross-cultural or intercultural dialog and recognition of plurality. (Etzioni 2010; Yu 2005; An-Naim 1995), an even universality of human rights should be reached by cultural dialog.(Donnelly 1984) Back to the construction of United Nations and the tuning point of drafting the UDHR, it is a deep reflection to inhuman atrocities and moves forward to considering how to intervene states overpower to violate human rights. However, while debating human rights within cultural diversity, the issue of human wrongs disappeared.(Chen 2010) Either jumping into a linear historical prospect or …show more content…

Some claim cultural feasibility of universal human rights from a perspective of the Enlightenment. Another request a universality of human rights in a cross-cultural approach. The former may not appreciate the results of a struggle for freedom in different cultures, rather promote a sole value for their culture. It arises a criticism of cultural imperialism. Although the latter mentions cross-cultural and multicultural approach, it is still staying at the level of a proposal. How to build an intercultural understanding of universal human rights without giving the universality up is still a challenge to construct human rights culture and fulfillment in different cultural tradition. (Chen 2010; An-Naim

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