Hudacek Memorial For Unborn Children Analysis

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Memorial for Unborn Children The loss of a child is one of those experiences in life that I hope and pray I never have to endure. In life, there are various ways in which a mother could lose her child. For example, One way that I’m sure doesn’t really cross the minds of most of society is that of those who have had an abortion. Nonetheless, the overall the choice to have an abortion is a mother’s choice and her choice alone. Correspondingly, it does still come with a price and in most cases; a woman does have a sense of loss. That is very well displayed in the sculpture, “Memorial for Unborn Children” by Martin Hudacek. This magnificent piece of art was created by Hudacek during a bachelor thesis, while obtaining his degree at the Academy …show more content…

Equally important is the interpretation of this piece which emphasizes on the choices a mother must make and type of sorrow she must embrace in order to grasp the consequences of her loss. The mother in the sculpture is clearly in distress as she hides her face in her hands. Likewise, the child is transparent and almost angelic, which seems to be trying to comfort the mother. Furthermore, the child in the sculpture is not depicted as a baby, but of a toddler to represent what the child could have been if his/her birth would of occurred. Even in that respect, this sculpture is meant to ease the hardship of those who have had the …show more content…

Likewise, that was his main reasoning behind creating this piece. Even though there are numerous people who have religious convictions against abortions. Nevertheless, there also comes to mind the government as an entity that tries to dictate whether or not women should be allowed to have abortions. In the article, “Federal and State Bans and Restrictions on Abortion”, one quote stands out to me the most. The article states that, “. . . gave politicians the green light to interfere in the private health care decisions of women and families.” The word private is a very prominent word here considering it should not be any of the state’s business as to what women do with their own bodies. To invoke that aspect, is to cease the decisions that are enabled to us as “God Given Rights.” In my opinion, every situation and scenario is unique. For the government to regulate an entire gender’s ability to make decisions, which in term could alter the course of life itself, is simply inhumane and

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