Abortion: Should Women Receive Unbiased Counseling?

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Women would not have abortions if they were not pressured to do so. Society has tricked women into thinking abortions are okay by lowing the importance of their rights, their dignity, and the health risks that come along with abortions. Family, friends, partners, and others usually try to force abortions upon pregnant women. To the unseen eye of the situation, abortion looks like an escape from a permanent situation, but there are many sacrifices involved. State provided or recommended counselors do not give appropriate advice when women are seeking to abort. The termination of the child comes with life altering consequences that can last for years.
All the time, women get abortions. From societies point of view, abortions are seen as …show more content…

Women should receive unbiased counseling. In some standards, many women do not get unbiased counseling. Women and teens involved in rape and incest incidents end up getting abortions because having a baby in that situation is a disgrace to society. The counselors try to talk the victims of incest or rape into abortion because they believe the patient would have a better life without the child. Other women, who are financially unstable or do not want the pregnancy, are likewise given unfair counseling. If the woman has any reason to get an abortion, the counselor will advise her to get an abortion. Abortion counselors have biased sessions without realizing it. The counselor’s sessions tend to alter the mother’s mind. Telling the mother she will have a better life without the child will influence her want to abort. “Women would likely not benefit from additional mandated counseling.” When a woman choses to abort, she has already made up her mind. Loved ones’ have the upper hand in changing the woman’s perspective. Counselors will also try explaining and showing the baby’s growth. For instance, “By 8th week, all major organs and body systems have begun to develop.” This type of counseling is fair counseling, but it doesn’t alter the mother’s want to …show more content…

The feticide happens by cutting the fetus into pieces and scraping it out of the uterus. This method is performed during the second trimester. Another way the feticide is initiated is by medical pills such as Plan B, which is the morning after pill and Mifepristone. The medical pill method is used during the first trimester, and it is not an option in the second trimester. In the third trimester, the baby is partially born. Once the baby is pulled out feet first, the neck is cut and the brain is extracted from the child. Then the child is removed from the mother. “Every 36 seconds in America a woman lays her body down forced to choose abortion out of a lack of practical resources and emotional support. Abortion is a reflection that society has failed

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