Nazis' Consolidation of Their Power in Germany

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Nazis' Consolidation of Their Power in Germany When Hitler became chancellor in January 1933, he was far from achieving the amount of power that he ultimately gained during the course of the Nazi regime. There were various obstacles to overcome in order to gain total power and to fully consolidate the rise of the Nazis. Thus, the Nazis came to power in 1933 through various factors ranging from their use of violence to the use of propaganda in gaining support, as well as the ability to exploit opponents and their weaknesses, particularly the previous Weimar government. Despite these tactics, it is evident that the Nazis legally came to power as seen with the elections held in March 1933 to secure the people’s votes, as well as the Enabling Act, which legally declared and allowed Hitler to exercise dictatorial powers. Firstly, it can be seen that the role of terror contributed greatly to the Nazis consolidation of power 1933-34. Opponents needed to be eliminated in order to access full control, and this elimination was necessary in order to secure Hitler’s power. This was most evident with the mass purging of the SA and its leader Ernst Rohm during the Night of the Long Knives in June 1934. As source D states ‘If disaster were to be prevented at all, action must be taken with lightening speed. Only a ruthless and bloody intervention might still perhaps stifle the spread of revolt’. This statement from Hitler’s address to the Reichstag following the Night of the Long Knives implies that the purges were nec... ... middle of paper ... the contract was signed, it was evident that Hitler would not abide to it, and thus by securing the church’s silence through the concordat, he was able to achieve consolidation by not having interference from the church. Overall, it can be seen that it was due to a range of key factors that led to the Nazi consolidation of power in 1933-34. In September 1934 Hitler declared at the Nuremberg Rally (Source H) that ‘in the next thousand years there will be no other revolution in Germany’. This statement shows that the Nazis are in control and aim to be for the next thousand years, i.e. the Thousand Year Reich. This shows that the events from January 1933 with Hitler becoming chancellor to August 1934 whereby he becomes Reich Chancellor and Fuhrer, all contributed to the Nazi consolidation of power in Germany 1933-34.

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